
Word for the Week of April 6

The Road to Emmaus by Caravaggio (Be sure to click on image for a larger version of these great faces!)

Christ never fails to meet us on the road to... wherever - and whenever! He's already walked with you today - even if you've never left your home, your chair, your bed. He's there with you...

Do you remember a time when the word of the scripture burned within you? When a particular passage, verse or phrase embedded itself in your heart and mind? Perhaps a time at Mass when the scripture seemed chosen just for you that day? Think back to those times and ask the Lord's word to burn in your heart again... He's at your side, he's speaking with you as he goes with you... let the word in... let it burn within you... let it warm you with his presence...


1 comment:

  1. Great homily today. I especially liked the use of light as a symbol of Christ as our light.


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