
Pope urges ban on cluster bombs

What it looks like when cluster bombs DON'T explode...

What it looks like when cluster bombs DO explode...

Photos from Jack Scully's blog Am I Dead Yet?

Pope supports Dublin Conference in banning cluster bombs

Benedict XVI has expressed hope that a Dublin conference beginning Monday will ban cluster bombs...

(T)he Pope expressed the hope that "through the responsibility of all the participants, a strong and credible international instrument will be created" at the Dublin Diplomatic Conference on Cluster Munitions.

The meeting, to be held through May 30, will gather representatives from some 100 countries to negotiate a new instrument of international humanitarian law banning cluster munitions, which are blamed for indiscriminately killing and maiming civilians in conflict zones.

"In fact it is necessary to remedy the errors of the past and to avoid their repetition in the future," added the Holy Father. "I accompany the victims of cluster munitions and their families with my prayers as well as the participants in the conference, offering my best wishes of success."

The United States will not be attending the event.

- Genoa, Italy, MAY 18, 2008 (Zenit.org)

FAQ's on Cluster Bombs

From the Dublin Conference

Another report from Dublin



  1. Thank you for this post. I am very sorry that the United States chose not to attend this conference. Perhaps, under new leadership our country will ban cluster bombs. How barbarian they are.

  2. I received an e-mail today from Avaaz, a nonprofit who is soliciting support to Help Ban Cluster Bombs! I signed a petition, which had 72 hours only to be delivered. They included an address to gain additional support. Don't know if you would be able to do a new post with the address:



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