
What would YOU preach on?

The scriptures for the 7th Sunday of Paschaltide can be found here (click on the correct link!), along with background material on those texts. Got kids? Then here's the info you'll need to help your children prepare for Mass this Sunday.

This Sunday's scriptures offer no stories, no parable, no events for us to ponder. The first reading reports, briefly, what the apostles and Mary and some women disciples did after the Ascension of Jesus and before Pentecost: they prayed! The second text is an instruction of Peter to a community of Christians suffering for the faith. The gospel offers us a portion of Jesus' farewell discourse at the Last Supper.

These texts do not make the homilist's work easy! Pray for those who preach in your parish this weekend: pray that the Holy Spirit may arrive a week before Pentecost to inspire them!

Reading and praying over the scriptures is one of the greatest ways to prepare for Sunday Mass!


1 comment:

  1. I would preach on the Psalm.It is one of my favorites. I can repeat it when I am afraid and find strength. The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom should I fear ??

    How great is that ?


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!