
Word for the Week of May 18

(See the Word for the Week at the top of the side bar)

What do you feel like when you have a stiff neck?

In pain?
Unable to relax?
Focused in one direction?
Unable to see other sides?

"Stiff-necked" is how Moses describes God's chosen people. They are stubborn, stuck, impatient and unable to see things from another point of view.

Could be that sometimes we are like this with the Lord, or with family or friends or neighbors or co-workers.

Could be we need the Lord who is merciful, gracious, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity to massage the stiffness from our necks, our hearts, our minds and our will...

Could be we need the Lord to make our stiffness soft and supple in his hands that we might be formed again as the people he made us to be.

Could be...


1 comment:

  1. I hope that all who suffer from stiff-neckedness will be healed by your 40th anniversary, so that our entire parish community can celebrate in joy together with you. Perhaps we could even push that up to the 36th!


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