
Word for the Weekend

Image by Claire Joy

Let's do a little review of the liturgical calendar. The seven weeks of the Easter season end with Pentecost Sunday and the season of Ordinary Time resumes, but... The first Sunday after Pentecost is always the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity or popularly, "Trinity Sunday," while the second Sunday after Pentecost is always the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ or popularly and in the Latin, "Corpus Christi."

Spend some time now with the readings and background material on them for this Sunday's scriptures and be better prepared to celebrate the liturgy this weekend.

Got kids (who tell you they're bored at Mass)? You can help them prepare for this Sunday with these notes: the family that prepares together and prays together, grows in faith together!


1 comment:

  1. I wonder if in the days of the Tridentine mass, kids ever said to their parents, "I'm bored." I don't remember being bored, but if I had been, I doubt very seriously that I would have said anything to my parents! Some of my observations of kids at mass...many seem to lack reverence...fidgeting in the pews...leaving their seats to wander...talking fairly loudly, going to communion with arms swinging by their sides, etc., and often with no reprimands from their parents. Am not sure what the solution is to this more permissive behavior, but I do think parents should instill a sense of reverence in their children for what the mass is.


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