
The heavens' tears

Image by Wallpapers

There seems, here in Concord, to be no end to the rain...

When the skies drench us, it's not always easy but it's helpful to wonder at how lush, green and fruitful grow the garden, the yard and the woods once bathed in the heavens' tears...



  1. My 3 year old said today "God must be so sad today - he can't stop crying"

  2. No rain where I'm at - just sunshine.

  3. Today the sun is shining brightly. We certainly have had lots of rain. I wonder if this unusual weather has anything to do with global warming. My sister lives in Charlotte. While NC does have warm summer weather, a couple of days ago Charlotte had 102 degrees. Yikes!

  4. I love photography, and this photo is beautiful!


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and PRAY before you think!