
All Saints Day

November 1 is All Saints Day but not a day of obligation this year because it falls on a Saturday. H/T to the Deacon's Bench for posting a humorous and informative video from the Paulist site, Busted Halo, "written by young adults for young adults." (Good link for the sidebar - coming up!)

The video gives us Fr. James Martin, SJ whose book, My Life With the Saints makes him something of an expert on saints. Fr. Marting looks at the connection between Halloween and All Saints Day. Lots of info here, delivered informally and with a smile!


1 comment:

  1. Fun! I am glad that Fr. Martin gave an inside plug for his book, very worth reading.

    I am hopeful that Blessed John XXIII will be canonized in my lifetime and then we will have a "big" saint to pray to!


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