
Word for the Weekend of October 12

It's time to begin looking at the scriptures for this coming Sunday, the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. You can find the texts and background material here and material to help children prepare to hear the Word here.

Perhaps the best way to prepare for Sunday Mass is to read and pray over the scriptures for that day: open yourself to God's Word even before you walk into the church!

This Sunday's first scripture, from the prophet Isaiah, is one often read at funeral liturgies: a beautiful description of and invitation to the heavenly banquet which the Lord has prepared for us. This text is meant to couple with the gospel passage from Matthew in which a king holding a wedding reception for his son is hard put to get the invited guests to his table. (And that curious ending where someone is thrown out of the party because he's not suitably dressed!)

The second lesson of the day continues a series from Paul's letter to the Philippians. He's writing to them from prison and is grateful for the financial, moral and spiritual support they have offered him. This passage includes the powerful verse, I can do all things in him who strengthens me..."



  1. Arise will help with this week's readings. I am getting my garment ready for Sun morning !!

  2. I am in a small faith sharing group with some other women from my parish. While we are supposed to study the readings from the prior Sunday, we always do it before... it works best for us and we approach the liturgy differently as a result.

    These readings remind me of my own journey of being invited to the table in various ways during an 18 year period (from age 14 to age 32) when I was not an active Catholic.

    During our meeting this past week, my SFS group and I were discussing the ways in which we "ignore" God's invitation or sometimes that we respond but show up in inappropriate clothing.

    There are many ways in which I know I continue to disregard the persistent and loving invitations from God.

    Community- in my family, in my parish, in my friendships and in the world of blogs helps to change me, albeit slightly.

    Where this all leads me however is... how do we respond to "the other" when they respond to God's call?

    Do we welcome them, with the same grace-filled and unconditional love that God has shown us?

    I know I fall short on this. It is something for me to pray with during these days.

    Thanks for yet another thought provoking and soul stirring post.


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!