
How's that resolution workin' for you?

So, it's the second day of the New Year.

Made a resolution?
How's it going?
Already discouraged? defeated?

Don't give up!
Even if you've already broken
yesterday's resolution -

it's never too late to begin again!

Here's what works - and what doesn't - when trying to make a change in your life

Characteristics of a successful change

-A realistic and simple goal

-Awareness that reaching the goal is an ongoing process, not an event

-A written record of the intended change,
and the progress made toward it

-Support from a network of friends and family

-Small, gradual steps to accomplish goal

-Self-discipline and focus

Characteristics of an unsuccessful change

-A grand goal for sudden transformation

-A poorly defined or understood goal

-An attempt to tackle too much at once

-Trying to do it alone, without support

-Procrastination; "I'll do it tomorrow"

-Easily discouraged; lack of focus

Sources: Interviews with local psychologists, professors, doctors, life coaches, fitness instructors

-Johnny Diaz in Why Is Change So Hard? - The Boston Globe, January 1, 2009

Of course, an important part of making changes for the good in our lives is asking for help - from God! In addition to the good advice above, you might want to revisit the approach I took to resolutions earlier this week in this post.


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