
Super Bowl: Pro-life ad VS. Policy

CNSBlog reports on a video posted here last week:

A pro-life ad that aired in Chicago on Inauguration Day set its sights on a bigger audience — the coveted ad time during the Super Bowl — but has been rejected. The ad... is sponsored by the group CatholicVote.org, under the umbrella of the Fidelis Center for Law and Policy...

After the Internet spot gained 700,000 hits in a week and plenty of discussion, along with financial contributions, it was submitted for consideration to NBC — the network providing coverage of this Sunday’s game.

But after several days of negotiations, an NBC representative told CatholicVote.org today that NBC and the NFL were not interested in advertisements involving “political advocacy or issues.”

Brian Burch, president of CatholicVote.org, said this decision contradicts what NBC officials told the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, which also wanted to run an ad in a Super Bowl slot. PETA’s ad was rejected for its sexual suggestiveness and the group was advised to edit it before it could run.

(read the complete report)


  1. I must say it's been a while since I saw something as manipulative and deceitful as this ad. Legal abortion is about women not dying from botched backroom abortions. It is not about allowing great people to be born and grow up to change the world.

    Legal abortion is about safe abortions which allow women to live with reproductive systems intact so that when they are in a place in their lives where their child will be born into a supportive environment they can bring forth children.

    I would have a lot more respect for the so-called "pro-life" (which is actually only pro some life) movement if it respected the facts of the issue. Being in favor of legal reproductive choice is also not about being in favor of abortion. It's about being in favor of the availability of proactive protection from pregnancy as well as of abortion being safe and accessible if it must be resorted to.

    With effective and safe birth control being available, the incidence of abortions can be *reduced* to those where the health of the mother or of the baby which the fetus would ultimately develop into is gravely threatened. With safe and legal abortion we can focus on the ethical questions raised by that last phrase! There are certainly plenty there.

    Abortions are going to happen. They always have. Let's minimize the damage they do by making them legal and thereby keep them out in the light of scrutiny and regulation.

  2. Correction in first paragraph: "It is not about NOT allowing..."

    And thanks for letting my comment post.


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