
Czerny on condoms redux

I recently posted several times on the comments made by Pope Benedict XVI in response to a reporter's question during an in-flight press conference during the pope's visit to Africa. Included in my posts was a link to an interview in America with Michael Czerny, SJ, published two years ago, on the topic of condoms as a solution to the AIDS pandemic in Africa.

The CNS Blog tips us to an article by Czerny published just this week in Thinking Faith: the Online Journal of the British Jesuits in which he addresses directly the pope's recent comments.

Does a couple's use of a condom contribute to preventing transmission of the HIV? Clearly.

Is the widespread distribution of condoms to African the best or most effective way of dealing with the AIDS pandemic? That's the question at hand here.

The title for the entry on the CNS blog is interesting: Wrapping western minds around African culture. The implication in both the blog's entry and the new Czerny piece is that we Westerners don't get the whole picture here.

There seems to be truth in that sentiment.
Image: Benedict XVI speaks with reporters en route to Africa, photo by CNS



  1. Off topic - Are you going to blog about Terry/Burke fiasco?


  2. Ray Suarez on PBS's "News Hour with Jim Lehrer" this week did a 3-part series on health issues in South Africa. First was on HIV/AIDS. Second was on TB. Third was on children orphaned by AIDS. I wish that Rev. Czerny could see it. It might make him change his tune a bit.

  3. I've taught my children how to tell a partner who is responsible and committed to them from one who has slept around. Everyone deserves to distinguish conduct and character that will provide them with loving faithful relationship. If they need a condom because they don't know the character of the person they're considering sleeping with, that alone speaks for itself. Don't walk, run.



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