
Daily Prayer in Lent - Thursday, Week Four

Word for the Season
Even now, says the LORD,
return to me with your whole heart...
Joel 2:12

Word for the Day

The LORD said to Moses,
"I see how stiff-necked this people is...
(see today's readings readings for Exodus)

A stiff neck is sensitive
to every other move my body makes...

A stiff neck dominates my attention,
limits my mobility,
narrows my ability to look left or right...

A stiff neck is a pain in the neck!

A stiff neck needs rest,
stillness and a gentle touch...

I return to you today, Lord,
with a stiff-necked heart...

Some days I confirm myself
in my anger, my grudges,
my despair...

Some days I'm resolute
in my stubbornness, my loneliness,
my mood...

When my heart's like this, Lord,
I find it difficult to turn to you,
to look for you on my left or my right...

When my heart is stiff-necked
I find it impossible to look beyond my own pain
to seek you, to see you,
to find you right by my side...

Help me make the time, Lord,
to sit quietly,
to carefully bend and bare my neck
to your hands, your touch...

Slowly, gently work the stiffness from my neck, Lord,
from my heart and from my soul...

With your touch,
coax the pain from within
and loosen the stiffness that locks my heart...

Massage the muscles of my soul, Lord,
that I might turn and find you
on every side, within and without...

I trust you, Lord,
and pray you will trust me
to return to you this Lent, day by day,
with my whole heart...
Amen. 2009LentPostCollection

Image: Gwen Meharg



  1. Excellent start to this day.
    Thanks CP

  2. Words that could have easily come from my own heart. Be with me Lord when I am in trouble...
    Thank you CP

  3. Thanks CP! I needed this today...it seems my entire Lent has been spent with a "stiff-necked" heart...why is it so hard not to let every little thing get to me and to then allow it to get between God and me???...

  4. ned: I agree with you...

    for me, so much of my struggles are about my low (or lack of) self-confidence (not that it is that simple)...
    and everything seems to go from there-
    and yes, it definitely, and most unfortunately gets between God and me...
    I decided (actually just within the last couple of hours) that instead of trying to "deal with" or focus on too many things, this week I am going to focus on my self-esteem and positive thoughts- and things that give me comfort and hope (like God). I know this is not going to be easy, but I think "this plan" is a good start...
    Tonight I am going to go through all the songs on my MP3 player and only put on positive music...

    (sorry to have gone on and on a bit... but, thank you ned and Concord Pastor... )

  5. Michelle, I think your plan is a very, very good one! Follow through on it - and I'm grateful to God that you find some help here...


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and PRAY before you think!