
Notre Dame and Obama: it's not "just" a symbol...

Image of N.D. graduation by ece.utk (click on image for larger version)

(This is edited version of an earlier post: the editing has been done for purposes of style and grammar only, the substance remains the same.)

Catholics bristle when the Eucharist is referred to as a symbol not simply because we believe in the real presence of Christ in the sacrament but also because we have come to think a symbol is merely “like” what it represents, standing for something that is absent, not present.

But a deeper understanding of this word shows that a true symbol catches up in itself more than it could possibly be imagined to contain. Infinitely more than the sum of its parts, a symbol holds and reveals more than it appears to be: a universe of meaning, experience and reality. A symbol does not stand alone. Ritual activity functions as the context in which a symbol is proclaimed, celebrated and entered into by those who revere it.

While not in the least attempting to put the Eucharist and graduation ceremonies on equal footing, let me suggest that a university commencement is a ritual of symbol-making in just the sense I have described.

Commencement is an initiation rite through which new members are welcomed by the already initiated. Vested in caps and gowns and academic hoods, participants form a procession respecting and honoring the academy's hierarchy from doctor to bachelor. There are words, signs and gestures of acceptance, belonging and relationship. Consider the valedictory and other speeches; the conferral of degrees, the calling of names, the imposition of doctoral hoods, the awarding of medals; and the presentation of diplomas caligraphed with longed-for credentials, handed down from authority to those now fully recognized as sons and daughters of the alma mater.

Commencement is a complex ritual through which the life of the school disclosed, celebrated and entered into by those who revere its symbols and the reality they hold and reveal. On account of all this, a graduate proudly displays a diploma so that others will know that he or she has a personal share in the universe of meaning and life particular to the school whose seal the parchment bears.

A university can play a football game (with its own rituals) on any Saturday afternoon but commencement is a truly special event requiring the full complement of the school’s “players.” Commencement bears and hands on, literally, the stamp, the seal of the institution's approval and witness. The symbolic ritual of commencement gathers up in itself all that the school is and makes present its reason for being: the love of learning, in pursuit of the truth, in service of humankind. And in the case of a Catholic university, the learning, truth and service are intimately bound up with faith in God and the mission of the Church.

Commencement, then, is not “just” a symbol but rather a reality disclosing a universe of meaning. Commencement is the school's annual ritual for making symbol of its history, purpose, accomplishments and its hope for the future.

It is to just this moment that the University of Notre Dame has invited President Barack Obama and not merely as a guest. He will receive a parchment bearing the University's seal, honoring him as a Doctor of Laws. He will be clothed with the school's colors and with its academic mantle. In the commencement address, his will be the principal voice in Notre Dame’s annual rite of passage and prestige.

The University’s invitation to President Obama and his acceptance of it are not the business of coming together at a common table for dialogue - although true to Notre Dame's ethos such a meeting would be. Commencement is neither a seminar nor a symposium. Commencement is a ritual revelation of the university's mind, heart and soul: commencement is a symbol of Notre Dame, in the best and deepest sense of that word.

Both Notre Dame and Barack Obama know this well and, for weal and for woe, each has seized an opportunity.



  1. ...and this isn't "just" an excellent post...

  2. CP,

    In truth, I don't think I understand what you are saying. Do you mean that Notre Dame, by inviting the President to speak, really and not symbolically accepts and endorses all his views, and that the President really sees an opportunity to convince Catholics of those of his views that do not match Catholic teaching because a Catholic university has asked him to speak? I really do not think this is true. I also really don't know whether I understood you correctly.

  3. lol... even your spelling error(?) is telling... "the principle voice"

  4. I don't for a moment think that Obama will use his time at the microphone to speak about abortion. He does not need to. Everyone knows his stand on such issues. The moment he's seizing is to be in the spotlight of Catholicism as an invited and honored guest, given the position of principal speaker, in a ceremony which I believe is fully symbolic of what/who ND is.

  5. Excellent post, ConcordPastor. Thanks and God bless!

  6. Thanks for your continuing posts on this tragic matter of ND honoring a pro-abortion politician.

    Your critics have viewed this as an opportunity for "positive engagement," "transformation, "metanoia," etc. How about honoring Bishop Richard Williamson at next year's commencement so that we can help him overcome his disgusting and reprehensible views which deny the Holocaust? Sounds absurd, doesn't it?

    But expecting Obama to change his views, or even taper his radically anti-life policies, all because he received a JD from ND, is just as absurd.

    We should engage Obama in a genuine dialogue, meet with when possible, pray for him, etc. But honor him -- no!

  7. ...I don't know- are we sure that anyone is expecting Obama to change his views, etc? ...and is honoring him (or not honoring him) only about his views on abortion, etc?


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