
Giving up texting for Lent

Some Italian bishops have made some very contemporary suggestions for "what to give up for Lent" this year. I'll bet that many folks would find these ideas much more demanding than going without desserts for 40 days - I know I would!

At our Ash Wednesday children's service, I suggested giving up texting for Lent and there was a very audible gasp from the young people present. But I don't think it's just the younger set who would be challenged by the thought of 40 days without screens (excepting, of course, a confessional screen!).
Roman Catholic bishops in Italy are urging the faithful to go on a high-tech fast for Lent, switching off modern appliances from cars to iPods and abstaining from surfing the Web or text messaging until Easter.

The suggestion goes far beyond no-meat Fridays, giving a modern twist to traditional forms of abstinence in the five-week period Christians set aside for fasting and prayer ahead of Easter. And it shows the Church's increasing focus on technology's uses — with many of the Lenten appeals posted on various dioceses' Web sites.

Dioceses and Catholic groups in Modena, southern Bari and other cities have called for a ban on text messaging every Friday in Lent...

Here's the complete AP story - and a H/T to Deacon Greg at the Bench for the lead here.


  1. I don't know... high-tech communication is really my main way of connecting... (not to mention job searching)... maybe this suggestion really depends on one's personal situation?

  2. Most important word: it's a "suggestion" - there are MANY ways to live Lent - this would be just one...

  3. Some high tech is designed with a prayerful Lent in mind, e.g., ConcordPastor.blogspot.com !!!


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