
Word for the Weekend - March 29

Image by Cerezo

It's hard to believe that the Fifth Sunday of Lent is ahead of us! After that comes Palm Sunday and Holy Week!

The scriptures for the Fifth Sunday and background material on them are here and hints for helping children prepare to hear this weekend's scriptures are here.

The first scripture, from Jeremiah, gives us the beautiful image of the Lord writing upon our hearts. The passage from Hebrews hints at the suffering of Christ which will command our attention on Passion Sunday and in Holy Week. And the gospel from John gives us the hard truth that the seed must fall to the ground and die before it produces much fruit. When that's followed by Jesus speaking of "the kind of death he would die," the message is clear.



  1. WOW! What an incredible image...not your average clipart. I find it particularly poignant as yesterday we commemorated the martyrdom of Archbishop Romero.

    Thank you for sharing a new source. I wish you a blessed solemnity!

  2. Lisa: Cerezo's art images the gospel through the life of the poor and the liberation the Word promises - the one above is one of the most powerful of his images I've seen.


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