
Got music?

We do now! I'm pleased to add a new widget to the sidebar. It's a handy way of sharing some music with you and I hope you find it a help to prayer and reflection. Just click on one of the titles in the list and enjoy the selection. If you have the time to give a listen to these pieces for Pentecost, let me know which ones you liked and why.



  1. What a very cool app! I guess I'm quite the traditionalist because I loved the Hillier rendition of Veni Sancte Spiritus and the Berliner Mass.

    Hilegard Von Bingen is always a fave but/and this version sounds like Liz Story or George Winston.

  2. I agree, Meredith, but I was trying to offer a variety, something for everyone - even George Winston fans!

  3. Well, my favorite is the Holy Ghost Revival... I spent 2 years attending a Catholic Church in Washington DC with a 100 member gospel choir. The sound was so rich and so big it lifted you off the ground and filled your heart to capacity. This song brings back those amazing feelings. It was so easy to feel the ecstasy of worship. But I loved all your choices! Thanks for adding this feature. I discovered I can play your music and respond to email at the same time - how nice!
    - Meighan

  4. Very nice. I have had your blog open for a little while here at work and have the music playing. Thank you!

    Come Holy Spirit, Come!

    Fran (aka St Edward's Blog!)

  5. For today, the two Gregorian chants filled the bill very nicely. Peaceful...soothing...I could picture myself in a monastery listening to those blended voices wash over me.



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and PRAY before you think!