
A prayer for Thanksgiving Day 2009

Saying Grace - Norman Rockwell

O good and gracious God!

Make us grateful for all you have given us;
let our needs and desires not blind us to all we have.

Make us grateful for those who love us;
let no grudge or anger keep us from family and friends.

Make us grateful for those who are with us;
let no grief isolate us from their loving embrace.

Make us grateful for the good work we have done:
let our failures not weigh us down
or blind us to your mercy.

Make us grateful for the freedom we enjoy;
let us never take it for granted.

Make us grateful for the peace we find in you;
let no other cause or victory take its place.

Make us grateful for our dreams;
let no disappointment keep us from hope.

Make us grateful for our faith in you;
let no doubt keep us from your love.

Give us grateful hearts, O God,
to praise and thank you
in good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health,
in joy and in sorrow.

This is the day you have made, O Lord:
let us rejoice, be glad
and for it give you thanks and praise!





  1. Amen! Peace and blessings to you this Thanksgiving, CP.

    The same thoughts and wishes to all who inhabit this space, those who comment and those who do not.

    I am always grateful for the community that I have found here.


  2. Austin,
    Thank you for the beautiful Thanksgiving prayer. We plan to share it with extended family at dinner tomorrow, along with our tradition of each person mentioning something they are thankful for.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Katie & Tim

  3. Thank you Fr. Austin! This prayer rocks!

  4. Thank you. Wishing you a great Thanksgiving.


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and PRAY before you think!