
Sunday Mass at the University of Notre Dame

Interior of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at the University of Notre Dame, IN

In the post below I directed your attention to a new widget on the sidebar here which offers a variety of programs from Boston's CatholicTV. Exploring the offerings there I found that video of the Sunday Mass from the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at the University of Notre Dame is available.

If you want to view beautiful liturgy, celebrated with excellent music, all in a breathtaking venue:
scroll down on the sidebar on the right; click on the CatholicTV widget; and search the horizontal menu bar for Sunday Mass at Notre Dame.



  1. That is beautiful! Would love to visit it someday.

  2. I loaded the Catholic TV "app" on my IPhone last week. !!

  3. I just watched part of the Solemnity of All Saints at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Notre Dame. Absolutely beautiful!


  4. For anyone who's wondering: Rosemary saw the Notre Dame liturgy via the CatholicTV widget on the sidebar.


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