
Link of the Day: Dying in Haiti

This occasional series features links to pages on my sidebar or to sites I've discovered in my cyber travels. From an email from an old friend (HT to PS) I came to Dr. John Carroll's blog, Dying In Haiti: An anecdotal account of Haiti's medical situation created by structural violence and negligence

This blog predates the most recent disaster in Haiti by over four years but also includes posts following the earthquake. Carroll's "anecdotal accounts" are powerfully, well-written reports of his work as a physician in Haiti. (I've not yet been able to find more information on Dr. Carroll.)

We all would do well to link to this doctor's blog and check it regularly. As Haiti disappears from the daily headlines, we need to insure that her people not disappear from our hearts.

I'm listing Dying in Haiti on the sidebar here.


  1. I am left speechless. Thank you for this link, which everyone should read.

  2. So sad, am praying so very hard for these beautiful people and their country......:-) hugs

  3. I too am left speechless every time I see the news or read articles. I'm also embarrassed by the little things in life I take for granted. I pray for the Haitians every day and can not believe the conditions they are living in. Someone I know in PaP is electing to sleep in a tent because he is afraid to sleep indoors. I'm heartbroken that he is forced to live like that.
    God Bless

  4. One of the web sites about Dr. John Carroll, founder of Haitian Hearts:



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