
Word for the Weekend - February 28

Transfiguration by Cornelis Monsma, used with permission/license from the artist; click on image for larger version

This coming weekend brings us to the Second Sunday of Lent, on which Sunday every year the gospel is an account of the Transfiguration.

The scriptures for this weekend and commentary on them can be found here. Will you be taking children to Mass with you? Check here for hints on helping youngsters prepare to hear the Word.

The first lesson is from the Book of Genesis and describes a strange, ancient rite in which two parties walk between the halved carcasses of slaughtered animals, signifying each party's willingness to suffer the fate of the butchered animals should either default on their promise.

The second lesson, from Philippians, describes the transformation that should take place in each of us when we live in Christ. The language here is strong but keep in mind that St. Paul is writing from prison and understands that he may be put to death for the faith - read the last lines of this passage in that context!

The gospel is the Lucan account of the Transfiguration of Jesus in the company of Peter, John and James and Moses and Elijah who appear to them on the mountain top. In Luke, this scene takes place between two predictions of Jesus' suffering and death, indicating that the nature of true discipleship is a willingness to exchange glory for sacrificial suffering. The scene ends with a comforting voice from the heavens saying, "This is my chosen Son, listen to him."

1 comment:

  1. I have always considered the readings from the first two Sundays in Lent to contain the essential truth of our beliefs. The two contrasting views of Jesus that are essential to understanding his death and resurrection. Last Sunday we saw him as a man subjected to temptations just as we are all. This Sunday, we see him transfigured and realize that he is both God and Man. Only when we realize that he was a man can we appreciate his suffering and only by knowing he was also God can we understand his rising. I think this view was pointed out to me by a kind teacher when I was a child.


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