
Spam, spam, spam, spam... I don't like Spam!

My father packed Spam sandwiches for lunch for years and, in my younger days, I remember liking fried Spam with a little mustard on it. But Spam in my comboxes? No way!

I regret that I need to begin using a "word verification" process for those wanting to post a comment here. This will require readers leaving comments on my blog to complete a word verification step which will help reduce "comment spam."

Over the past several months, spam comment have exceeded legitimate comments by about 5 - 1 and I'm spending way too much time moderating spam.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!


  1. *snort* Love the MP bit!

    Hate the spam though... I had to put on word verification too.

    Fran from St Edward's

  2. Could you give an example of spam that you have been receiving. I continue to be less than literate in the computer world.



    P.S. I remember the years of Spam (of the meat variety)! It was never a favorite of mine!

  3. I put in word verification ages ago for that very reason. Stops nearly all of it, except lately there has been a Chinese spammer who must be manually inputting things...


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