This occasional series features links to sites I've discovered in my cyber travels.
And today we link to PrayTell Blog, a joint venture of Liturgical Press and Saint John’s School of Theology•Seminary.
Many blogs deal with matters liturgical but few in such a balanced way as PrayTell. Though the blog posts a lengthy list of contributors, Anthony Ruff, OSB is the chief blogger and poster of the group. A variety of liturgical topics and issues are discussed and, I'm happy to note, this page is virtually free of the ideological agenda that drives so many sites. If you're looking for commentary from several points of view on liturgical topics that matter, this is a great blog to visit.
Check out a recent post by Michael Joncas (composer of On Eagles' Wings) who writes of a Mass setting he was commissioned to compose for the 2011 100th anniversary (On Eagles Wings) of Maryknoll. Here's an example of a religious community dealing with the upcoming new translation of the Roman Missal. You'll be interested to see how Maryknoll presented the commission to Joncas and his take on it. Although most of the new translation is embargoed, the post does offer an audio of the Joncas' Our Father for this new Mass - and it's beautiful.
So, check out the post, the new Lord's Prayer and the site - and add it to your favorites even as I'm adding it to my blogroll on the sidebar here.

Subscribe to A Concord Pastor Comments
Thank you so much for that link to the Pray Tell blog. What a great site.
Both you and Michael Joncas mentioned that most of the texts are embargoed. Could you elucidate please. I have read several examples of the new translations. Are only some examples available to be read? The remainder of the translations not available to be read? Is this what you and Michael Joncas mean by embargoed?
P.S. The Our Father by Michael Joncas was very beautiful.
I believe this means that use of the final texts is limited in terms of publication by other than ICEL.