
Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Day 7

This Novena to the Sacred Heart began on Thursday, June 3, and will conclude on the Feast of the Sacred Heart on Friday, June 11. Each day of the novena there will be posted: an image of the Sacred Heart; a brief reflection; a scripture verse; a Litany of the Sacred Heart by Wendy Wright; and a closing prayer. As the Year for Priests comes near its end, please remember priests along with all those for whom you pray this novena. (Click at the top of the sidebar for earlier entries in this series.)

Sacred Heart by Joseph Fanelli, available through Heart to Heart

Reflection for Day 7

At first glance this young Christ may seem to be handing you his heart but, not so. He draws you with his penetrating eyes and he reaches out his hand... Perhaps to show you the wound there? Perhaps to take your hand in his, wound and all? Perhaps to show he carries no weapon other than his life, emptied out for you, that you might have life and have it to the full? His gaze and hand invite and beckon you closer to his heart, aflame but, like Horeb's bush, never consumed. Take off your sandals, then, and draw near: his heart his holy ground and his heart is home for you...

Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name…
- Philippians 2:5-9

Litany of the Sacred Heart

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

So loving
So humble
So gentle
So compassionate
So faithful
So wise
So patient
So steadfast
So tender
So spacious

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

God’s joy
God’s shalom
Harp of the Trinity
Wingbeat of the Spirit
Breath of God
Five-petaled rose

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Womb of justice
Birthplace of peace
Our dearest hope
Longing of our lives

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Freely flowing fountain
Spring of grace
Freshet of forgiveness
Merciful river
Mystical dew

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Warmth of our hearts
Transforming fire
Cosmic furnace
Enflamer of hearts

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Heart of evolution
Beginning and ending
Center of all

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Garden of virtues
Mystical dew
Table and food

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Our refuge
Our shelter
Our comfort
Our rest
Our welcoming breast

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Wounded by love
Pierced by our cruelty
Broken by our hardness
Mystic winepress
Poured out as gift

Heart of Jesus, hear our prayer!

Have mercy, gracious heart,
Give us gratefulness
Teach us tenderness
Let us learn to love.

Hear our prayer!

- Wendy Wright

Let us pray...
God of all our hearts,
draw us to the heart of your Son Jesus
that we might find him the gift of your love
poured so freely into our hearts,
love overflowing to share with others.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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