While we returned to Ordinary Time the day after Pentecost, this weekend will see the first celebration of a Sunday in Ordinary Time since February 14! (February 21 was the First Sunday of Lent and the first two Sundays following the end of the Easter Season on Pentecost were, as they are annually, Trinity Sunday and Corpus Christi.
June 13 is the 11th Sunday in Ordinary time. You'll find the scriptures of the day and commentary on them here and for hints to help children prepare to hear the Word, check this site.
The first lesson, from 2 Samuel, finds Nathan confronting Kind David on his dual sins of adultery and murder. The passage ends with David's confession and an affirmation of God's mercy.
Summed up, the second lesson, from Galatians tells us that the law has made itself obsolete because salvation comes not from the law but from Christ.
The gospel passage from Luke tells the story of the sinful woman who washed Jesus feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. Within this scene, Jesus poses a question to Simon, the Pharisee to whose house Jesus had been invited: which debtor will love the forgiving creditor more: the one who owed a larger amount or the one who owed a smaller amount? As with David in the first lesson today, the sinful woman is sent on her way with the blessing of God's mercy.
In need of God's forgiveness? Check out these texts!

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