
Knock and the door will be opened to you...

Sunny Depression by Yoko (click on image for larger version)

The image above is a good one to ponder as we prepare to hear the Lord tell us this weekend:

And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives;
and the who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened...

What doors am I knocking on? Is it closed? locked? ajar?
What's behind the door? What do I hope to find behind the door?
Are there other doors open to me?
What keeps me on this side of the door? Is it locked? Have I tried the handle?
Who will open the door? Is it a door I can open?

For this weekend's readings, commentary on them and other images, read here and here.

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  1. I am knocking on doors to find a new job...
    (not just a new job- hope, meaning... )
    well, I haven't actually started knocking on the doors yet (for the job)- I am doing the work I need to do to be ready to knock on the doors and be prepared when/if it is opened...

    sometimes I am very afraid of what/who is behind the door...

    I hope to find acceptance and belonging behind the door...
    and love...

    there are other doors open to me now- all the help I am getting for different things...

    what keeps me on this side of the door sometimes is FEAR, DOUBT... big decisions, are they right or wrong?

    the door is only locked if I lock myself in, which I do when I am inside-
    sometimes I put my hand on the handle, but I freeze and I can't open it-
    then I have to pray really hard for God to help me - to open it for me-

    and he does...

  2. Thanks for these questions... which have gently prompted me into reflection.

  3. ...I have to ask- "Sunny Depression"? What does that mean exactly?

    maybe you don't know really what the author really meant, but maybe you could give your opinion?

  4. The link to the artist's site is not longer current.


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