
Three Parables: a lost sheep, a lost coin, a lost son

The longer form of the gospel proclamation for this Sunday includes three parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son. Some images of these parables may be helpful for reflecting on the scripture texts (and commentary on them) which can be found here.

The lectionary also provides for a shorter version of the gospel this weekend which includes the shorter parables of the lost sheep and coin but omits the longer story of the lost son. I'm planning to preach on the two shorter parables of:

The Lost Sheep

Image source: Hills of the North

Image source: StTakla.org

Image source: ChurchWhisperer

and The Lost Coin

Image source:gbgm-umc.org

Image source: Saints:SQPN

The Parable of the Lost Son, the longest of the three, was also the gospel for the Fourth Sunday of Lent this past spring (March 14, 2010). At that time, I collected a number of images related to this parable and I offer a few of them here again.

Retour de l'Enfant Prodigue by Michel Ciry

The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt

The Return of the Prodigal Son by Pompeo Batoni

The Prodigal Son by Charlie Mackesy (used with permission of the artist)

The Prodigal Daughter by Charlie Mackesy, (used with permission of the artist)

Return on the Prodigal Son
by Rembrandt

You know, it's true: a picture is worth a thousand words!

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1 comment:

  1. thanks for the collection of great pictures and paintings.


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