
The wisdom of frogs...

Image: Lake Jackson Ecopassage
Blogging friend Phil is on vacation but I found this remarkable post on her page:

In a small pond, a frog, squatting on a lily pad,
listened attentively
as an angel described the glories of heaven.
At the end of the discourse
the frog asked,"Is it something like mud?"
- Anonymous

Reminds me of this post on St. Francis Day...

That's a very wise frog who finds heaven in the mud...

How about you and me?

Where might each of us to find heaven in our daily lives,
right where we are?

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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post...makes me think of a couple of things. First, heaven is all around us now - even in our 'mud' and second, our vision of heaven is limited to our earthly bodies, our five senses. Imagine how much more it truly will be when we are released from this world. Thanks for the post.


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