
Seven Brides One Bride for seven brothers

This coming weekend finds us celebrating on the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. These end-of-the-liturgical-year scriptures often draw our attention to the end times. This Sunday's scriptures does that AND offers an opportunity for preachers to give a nod to November, the month of All Souls.In the gospel from Luke, some Sadducees (who deny a resurrection from the dead) pose a kind of riddle to Jesus. In his wisdom, Jesus answers and disarms his questioners, teaching not only about the resurrection but also something about marriage.

Only ONE bride, not seven, for the seven brothers here!

There are also seven brothers in the first scripture this weekend - but their's is a different story. Faced with suffering and death for their faithfulness to their God (refusing to eat pork), they give an early testimony to their belief in life after death.

Unrelated to the thematic resonance in the first and third scriptures of the day, the passage from the second letter to the Thessalonians finds Paul encouraging his readers not to worry about the time of the Second Coming but rather to stand firm in their faith in the moment. Today, and certainly in a 12 step group, Paul would write, "Keep it in today!"

The texts of these scriptures and commentary on them can be found here and if you're shepherding youngsters to Mass, check here for hints on helping them prepare to hear the Lord's Word.

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  1. Hi Fr. Austin,
    This is a bit weird.
    I was looking at the scripture readings and commentaries for this Sunday and use the same link as you but my link takes me to a completely different set of commentaries
    This is the one I have !


  2. Me again !
    Please disregard the last comments.

    I get it now - I was looking at the section "Spirituality of The Readings" and yours is "Get to Know The Readings".

    I am have been thinking( Oh dear!),as this Sunday's Scripture links with death and the Resurrection to maybe write about the awful killings in Baghdad . Am still working on it though.


  3. It's definitely getting to be the end of the Church year. I get the feeling that the readings resemble what's left in the fridge and the cupboards at the end of the month.

    "Seven? Here, I've got something with seven in it. Death. Marriage. They're different, but so? It's seven in both stories!"

  4. Hi, Phil!

    Your link is taking you to the reflections page at the St. Louis U site. You need to go to:

    Note that in the url for the link I supplied, "the word" which in the url you have it's "reflections."

    Does that help?

  5. as I was reading over the readings, I found that I really "got into it"- I read them out loud with a "force" that even surprised myself- I really FELT what I was reading- I recommend to everyone, if you don't already, to read out loud.

  6. THAT, Michelle, is an excellent suggestion - one I'll include in the next "Word for the Weekend!"


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