
Seeking the One we have found

Image: e-hope4all

I'm pleased, again, to share with you a prayer from Alden Solovy's page, To Bend Light, where you'll also find an audio of the text below.  

We who seek God seek the One we have already found...

Let us pray...

Seeking G-d
G-d of my ancestors,
G-d of generations,
G-d beyond my understanding:
Who are You?
What are You?
Where are You?
Why do I struggle to reach You
When my quiet heart already knows You?
My calm thoughts
And open arms
Already know You.
My joy and pain,
Grief and love
Already know You.
Adonai my G-d,
Open me up to You
In celebration and surrender.
Reunite me with what I already know:
Your holiness and Your love.
Let Your word flow through me
So that I see and hear,
Taste, touch and smell
The beauty and blessings around me.
Then, G-d of old,
I will remember to seek You always,
To praise You throughout the days
And to honor You across the years.
Blessed are You, Holy One,
Hidden in plain sight,
Present in simple moments,
Present for eternity.

© 2011 Alden Solovy and www.tobendlight.com. All rights reserved.

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1 comment:

  1. I like the Scripture quote from Jeremiah "You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart..."
    Reminds me of a poem I read "The Hound of Heaven" and a short book "Hound of Heaven at My Heels; The Lost Diary of Francis Thompson" by Robert Waldron ---A man who has spent a good deal of his life running from God at the peril of his health, discovers he cannot outrun God, who pursues him with a relentless mercy.
    How often do we run from God - - if we just look for Him, we will see He is with us. Seek HIM ... Where did you last find God?


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