
John 11:35

Two words worth our pondering and prayer...

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  1. ...and I wept too...

    it is definitely helpful to read the weekend's readings before I go to Mass-

    on a sort of separate note, as time goes on, sometimes I feel like instead of understanding MORE, I realize how very little I understand-
    this is unsettling-

    but, also, I do have moments when, even in the confusion, I have insights and sparks of connections that give me hope...

    is this "normal"? (feeling that I understand so little)

    I want to believe that it's the desire to want to understand, the effort to try to get closer to God, that counts-

  2. The scriptures are inexhaustibly deep... the further we delve into them the more we realize how much more there is...

  3. The legend has it that, a few years before his death, Raymond Brown, probably the pre-eminent Scripture scholar of his day, was asked what he truly believed, given all that he had done to examine the Scriptures in a scientific and literary fashion.
    His response: "Jesus loves me, this I know, 'cause the Bible tells me so."


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and PRAY before you think!