

El Cielo de Canarias / Canary sky - Tenerife from Daniel López on Vimeo.

Take a few minutes with the time-lapse video above...  then pause for prayer and ask...

What simple beauty sweeps slowly through my life, unnoticed?

What missed magnificence surrounds me?

What gossamer waves do I mistake for clouds?

What light hallows and haloes the shadows I fear?

What heavens crown my every night with jewels?

Open my eyes, O Lord, lest I miss even a glimpse

of how you are revealed wherever I am,

wherever I go...

(H/T to TH for the link to this video)

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  1. ...(to me) the reflection/prayer added more meaning and more beauty to the (already) beautiful work of art...today we in HK were blessed with a fine, beautiful day and watching this video and reading the prayer, am glad Lena and I spent some time to admire the late afternoon skies He gave us today! Your prayers inspire, challenge and remind me of how good God is...thank you!!!


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!