
Word for the Weekend: May 29

Image source: Occam's Razor

From this coming Sunday's second reading:

Always be ready to give an explanation
to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope...

I've begun working on my homily and may go with this verse from 1 Peter.  Consider its import for Catholic Christians today.

The first lesson for this Sixth Sunday of Easter comes again from the Acts of the Apostles and details the power and joy that came from Philip's preaching and the gift of the Holy Spirit shared through the laying on of hands.  The second lesson, from 1 Peter, includes the verse above and counsels suffering for doing good rather than for doing evil.  The gospel is from the farewell discourse in John's gospel and gives us the comfort of these words:

I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.
In a little while the world will no longer see me,
but you will see me, because I live and you will live.

To read these scriptures as they'll be proclaimed this weekend and for commentary to help you understand them, check here.  Children coming to Mass with you?  Find hints to help them prepare to hear the Word right here.

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  1. way to present a challenge-
    maybe THE biggest one of all-

    yeah, um...
    (I've got nothing yet)

    (well, that's not entirely true-
    this morning I did come up with a TEMPORARY answer to this- for TODAY- but a PERMANENT answer, nope)

  2. "a TEMPORARY answer to this- for TODAY- but a PERMANENT answer, nope"

    And that, of course, is why it's wise to live but one day at a time...


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