Our Jewish neighbors are celebrating Chag Shavout, the Feast of Weeks, coming seven weeks after Passover. The Jews called this 50th day after Passover "Pentecost," long before Christians took the name for remembering the day on which the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples after the Lord's Ascension into heaven. The Church's Pentecost falls after its own "feast of weeks" which we refer to as the Easter season. It's on the 50th day of Easter that we celebrate Pentecost.
(For more information on this confluence, see this earlier post.)
Between Shavuot 2011 and Pentecost this weekend, let us all pray together this beautiful setting of Psalm 67, a prayer appropriate for the feasts of both Covenants. The background on this piece and its arranger is very interesting. Take a few moments to learn about Suzanne Haik-Vantoura.
Click on the bible above for the readings for the coming Sunday (2nd Lent) and some brief back-ground on them...
A prayer for when you're worried, anxious, afraid...
Help for Haiti
Reach out to the people of Haiti with health care, education and community development through Health Equity International (formerly known as the St. Boniface Haiti Foundation).
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