
St. Mary Magdalene

Today, July 22 is the Memorial of Saint Mary Magdalene.

The Saint of the Day connection in the links section on the sidebar will give you a brief overview of this feast on the liturgical calendar.

Because Mary is the name of several significant women in the gospel accounts of Jesus' life, there has been some confusion around just who Mary of Magdala was - and wasn't! For an interesting summary of these questions - and a resolution to the dispute - take a look at this article from Vatican News.

The icon above depicts Mary Magdalene announcing the Resurrection of Jesus to the apostles who were huddled in fear following the crucifixion. Mary Magdalene was the first to meet the Risen Jesus and the first to announce this joyful news to others. She is sometimes called the First Apostle of the Resurrection.

The vial in Mary's hand may be for the spices she brought to Jesus' tomb to anoint his body; and in her other hand - a red egg! The story was told that Mary went to Rome to preach the Risen Christ to Tiberius Caesar. During her audience she held up an egg to explain the Resurrection. Caesar laughed, telling her that one had as much chance of resurrection as the egg in her hand turning red. Whereupon, the egg turned red! Some credit this story as the source for why eggs are colored at Easter.

your Son first entrusted to Mary Magdalene
the joyful news of his resurrection.
By her prayers and example
may we proclaim Christ as our living Lord
and one day see him in glory,
for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
(Opening Prayer for the Memorial of Mary Magdalene)

The icon at the top of the post, Mary Magdalene Announces the Resurrection to the Apostles is by Sr. Mary Charles; The icon just above is from Monastery Icons.  (Click on images for larger versions)

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  1. I love this feast day for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is the ongoing evidence that the Holy Spirit will win out time and time again!

    I've heard another story about the colored Easter eggs: Simon of Cyrene was coming in from the farm when he was drafted to help Jesus carry the cross. He set down his basket of eggs. When he picked them up later, they were all different colors...

    No explanation, of course, why they weren't all broken or stolen or whatever!

  2. I agree heartily with the last paragraph of the Catholic News Service's article on Mary Magdalene!

    It took the church until 1969 to change its tune on Mary Magdalene. Talk about molasses.



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