
Word for the Weekend: July 17

Every year, every parish in the archdiocese is asked to host a mission priest who preaches at all the Masses on a given weekend and takes up a collection for the support of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith.  That means that this is one of those rare weekends when I have no homily to prepare.  When these instances occur, I realize how much the Sunday scriptures and homily preparation are an integral part of my whole week.  Readers know that on Sundays I print out the readings for the coming Sunday and carry them in my pocket, at the ready for those moments when I have time to work on my homily or when ideas come to mind and heart.  Although I won't be preaching, I'll carry the scriptures nonetheless,
as I have suggested my readers might do, because it helps ALL of us to be prepared to hear and receive the Word proclaimed in the Sunday assembly.

You'll find the scriptures for the coming weekend and commentary on them here.

In the gospel from Matthew, Jesus tells three parables of the kingdom of God.  How does Jesus speak of the kingdom?  as a wheat field in which an enemy has sown weeds; as a mustard seed (the "smallest of all") that grows into a bush large enough for birds to nest in; and as the leaven, the yeast, a baker mixes with her flour to bake bread.   

Take some time to study these parables and then imagine what images of the kingdom you might use today...

The first scripture of the day, from Wisdom, seems to have been chosen to complement the gospel to reinforce the notion of God’s forbearance:  "For your might is the source of justice, your mastery over all things makes you lenient to all."

("Lenient to all..."  Now there's a verse I wish I were preaching on this weekend!)

This week offers another reading from Romans 8 and speaks boldly, if briefly, of the Spirit's role in our prayer and in interceding for us with God.

Bringing children to Mass this weekend?  Check here for hints on helping young ones prepare to hear the Word this weekend.

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