
Word for the Weekend: August 3

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The gospel for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time is a familiar story: the feeding of the 5,000 or the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. The day's first scripture, from Isaiah, invites all who are thirsty and hungry to come and be fed, thus setting the stage for the scene we'll encounter in Matthew.  The "middle reading," comes this week, again, from Romans and reminds us that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.

Take a look at the texts (and some commentary on them) here. (There's no better way to prepare for Mass this Sunday!) Then, after looking at the scriptures, ask yourself:
Which reading(s) would I preach on?
How might "5 loaves and 2 fish" translate to contemporary terms?
What do I suppose the disciples did with the 12 wicker baskets of left-overs?
What do I do with my left-overs?
What do I think of miracles? Do I believe miracles still happen?
Were I the preacher, would I stay with the more familiar (Isaiah and Matthew)
     or go with the strong call to faith in Romans?
Which of these texts (and what in them) speaks to my heart?
     my life? this week's news?
Bringing children to Mass with you?  Here are some hints for helping our younger brothers and sisters prepare to hear the Lord's word this Sunday.

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