
Word for the Weekend: January 29

Remains of synagogue built in Capernaum (4th century) 
over the remains of synagogue of Jesus' time. 
Image by πρώρα (Prora)

Time to make some time for the Word of the Lord for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time.  The scriptures for this Sunday's liturgy along with background on them can be found right here.  Will you be taking children to Mass with you?  Take a look here to help them prepare to hear the readings.

The first reading for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time is from Deuteronomy and finds the Israelites begging Moses for a prophet and the Lord responding favorably. There's a stern warning for the prophet, however, lest the prophet speak in the Lord's name anything the Lord had not given him to speak. Exorcising a man with an unclean spirit, Jesus is hailed as a prophet in the gospel - one who teaches and heals with the authority of God.

In the day's second scripture, St. Paul writes the Corinthians that he wants them to be free from anxieties.  Who wouldn't want to be free from anxieties?  But Paul has a particular take on this...

The gospel finds Jesus teaching in the synagogue at Capernaum (see photo above) where he frees a man there of an unclean spirit.

- To whose prophetic word do we listen?
- What anxieties come between us and our faith in the Lord?
- From what "unclean spirits" might we want Jesus to free us?

Serious questions to ponder...  Why not click on the link in the first paragraph now and read over and prepare to hear the Lord's Word this weekend...


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