
Snowflakes and hearts

 The complexities of the human heart are so many and multifaceted.

As it's said is true of snowflakes, I doubt there are in all of human history two identical human hearts.

Each heart has its own story and each story has been shaped and molded by different people, unique circumstances and the mystery of God's individual and singular touch upon every heart he's created.

Consider this:  God relates to me in ways significantly different from the way he relates to any other man or woman because God knows me as I am and I am a unique creation of his hand.

With what great care, then, must we approach, accept and appreciate one another!

With what great openness must we honor how we are unlike, recognizing that God loves us in our differences as much as or more than in our similarities.

With what great patience, then, must we wait on how others grow, change and respond to us and to the life and world around us.

In the Christian life we often speak as if "one size fits all."  And in the most important ways, that is true but in less important ways it is false.  What does fit all of us is the command:

to love and forgive one another 
as God loves and forgives us; 
to do what is just, to love what is good
and to walk humbly with God...

Give us care, openness and patience with one another, Lord, that we might do what you ask of us...

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  1. That is beautiful...what wonderful words to reflect on. thanks, enjoy your day!

  2. yes, I agree, beautiful...

    but, I have to admit, it was VERY difficult for me-
    very difficult, but something I really needed to try-

    and I did try, this morning on the VERY crowded bus on the way to work-
    oh, it was really hard-
    I had to again and again try to bring myself back to your prayer-

    and I'm not really sure how successful I was, but I tried-

    (but the fact that I tried maybe is some kind of success?)

    thank you.


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