
A first Mass reminds me of my own...

Photo by CP

A FaceBook friend who's being ordained this spring just posted the date of his first Mass.

His announcement stirred some memories...

It's nearly 39 years since I was thinking of and preparing for the first time I would celebrate Mass after ordination.  I was filled with excitement, joy, anticipation, nervousness and gratitude.  I remember planning the invitations, the music, the worship aid and the reception.  I remember choosing my vestments and chalice.

And of course I remember the liturgy!  It was May 20, 1973 and the weather was perfect.  I could tell you even now who were the concelebrants, the servers, the deacon, the lectors and the music ministers.  I can see my parents and sister in the front row; my grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins just behind them.  My brother was the cross bearer that day and I don't think either he or I suspected then that one day he'd celebrate his own first Mass!

It was a day of fulfillment, happiness and great joy.  What began that weekend has filled my weekends and my life for nearly four decades.

It's a grace to remember the joys we've known and my ordination/first Mass weekend is one of the greatest joys of my life.  (What joys, large and small, have been blessings in your life?)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Please pray for those who will be ordained this spring and preside at the Eucharist for the first time (and especially for FB friend, Tom Gibbons, C.S.P.)  May their celebrations and their ministries be filled with the Lord's peace and joy.


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  1. I can feel your joy when I read your words. That is beautiful. Blessings to you, all these years of ministry and love later and blessings to your friend. I will keep him in my prayers.

    BTW, my boss, Fr. Jerry is in Rome at the PNAC for a 3 month sabbatical. I have asked him to remember you in his prayers. I thank you, knowing that you think of him in your own.

  2. Your commitment and love of what you do shines through your blog and I count that as a blessing.
    Every day of simply waking up is pretty awesome and thanking God for that is a good enough place to start and finish the day ( although I don't always manage to maintain it through the day!)

    Blessings :-))

  3. This post needs to make its way to the Vocations Office and to the Seminaries. What a beautiful tribute to the priesthood!


  4. I am so glad that you are our pastor.


  5. Thanks, Teacher -- and I'm so glad to be your pastor!


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