
Is the Internet the enemy of faith?

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It's clear that Deacon Greg's decision to close his comboxes hasn't kept him from offering up fine food for thought.  Check out his link to the Washington Post and a timely piece by R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Mohler raises the question, "Is the Internet the enemy of faith?"  -- and his response is well worth the read.


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1 comment:

  1. That was good reading, good food for thought. There is another piece worth reading, linked at the bottom of his post, where Rachel Held Evans talks about why the internet is not the enemy of faith.

    I was just reading the 1000th post at People for Others, a blog from Loyola Press. It is such a haven. In the words of Loyola Press publisher, Paul Brian Campbell SJ, when speaking of religion blogs, he says, "...there is a lot of meannenss, a lot of stridency out there."

    The blog there seems to avoid that. You largely avoid it too, it seems. I get so frustrated with the on-going polemic disagreements and the dis-membering of the Body... Yet here I stay, trying to remember, missing the mark sometimes, and maybe making it others.


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