
Word for the Weekend: June 3 - TRINITY Sunday

Image: FullHomelyDivinity

The Sunday following Pentecost is always Trinity Sunday which, in turn, is always followed by Corpus Christi (or, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ). Trinity Sunday presents us not with an event or person to celebrate, but with a doctrine: the doctrine of the Trinity. Of course, we celebrate Trinity every time we pray -- think of making the Sign of the Cross!

Although the Trinity is a mystery, that hasn't prevented us from trying to diagram it - thus the image above, a classic graphic to speak what the Church teaches about the Three in One.

Look here for the scriptures and background on them and here for help if you're bringing children to Mass this weekend and want to prepare them to hear the Word.

In the lesson from Deuteronomy we hear Moses ask four questions about the God of Israel, helping his people to understand that the Lord alone is God and dearly loves his chosen people. The passage from Romans gives us God as our Abba, our divine Papa who adopts us in the Spirit as his sons and daughters. If we understood Abba as the term of endearment it is, this passage would have a more profound impact on us when we hear it. The gospel, from Matthew, gives us the "great commission" to preach the gospel to all nations and to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


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