Vitruvian Man by daVinci |
I've posted a number of Alden Solovy's prayers from his page, To Bend Light. Here's one I've just discovered which Alden refers to as "prayer/poem for men about 'being enough.'"
This Man
These hands are enough.
Enough to hold,
Enough to heal,
To fix, to plant, to tend.
These hands are enough.
These arms are enough.
Enough to embrace,
Enough to carry,
To lift, to dig, to work.
These arms are enough.
These eyes are enough.
Enough to see,
Enough to guide,
To smile, to laugh, to cry.
These eyes are enough.
This heart is enough.
Enough to love,
Enough to care,
To hope, to yearn, to break.
This heart is enough.
This man is enough.
Enough to heal,
Enough to honor,
To respect, to challenge, to live.
This man is enough.
© 2011 Alden Solovy and To Bend Light.

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I don't know if I introduced you to Alden or not, but I have been reading him for awhile - he is so gifted. What a delight to see when you post his work here.