
Monday Morning Offering - 219

Image: George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

You ask me to rejoice, Lord,
in good times and in bad…

You ask me to pray - all the time
and to be grateful - no matter what…

You ask a lot, Lord
and sometimes it seems you ask
for more than I can give –
so I need some help…

When times are tough, Lord,
and joy seems past my reach,
help me at least want to rejoice,
to find, even in suffering,
the gift of peace your presence brings…

I ask you to stir up within me
a desire for the joy that's yours to give;
the joy that only you can give;
the joy that can't be quelled by fear;
the joy whose source is deeper
than any wound my heart has known…

I pray for a joy to mend my brokenness,
to give me strength when I’m afraid
and trust when I’ve lost hope…
Lord, give me a joy that survives
my moods, my feelings,
my bruised pride, my ego,
my jealousy and my thin skin...

I pray for a joy that lasts,
endures, suffers through the pain
and comes out the other side
whole, true and intact...

I offer you my desire, Lord,
to sense, to recognize, to know
and respond to every hint of joy
your Spirit sparks within my soul…

Let no moment of your grace
escape my notice, my attention,
my heart’s gratitude
for the joy and peace you offer me…

When joy invites me in
let me not hesitate to accept the invitation
to lay my burdens down and to rejoice
that once again your gift of peace rests
securely in my heart…

When times are tough, Lord,
and joy seems past my reach,
help me desire to rejoice,
to find, in suffering and in pain,
the gift of peace your presence brings…

Remind me, Lord, of all the joy you’ve given me
and help me hold those memories in my prayer:
give me a grateful heart to trust
that joy is what you want for me
and what you promise me in faith…

Help me bring joy in any way I might
to those whose paths cross mine this week
and open me to joy that’s theirs to give
when my heart is in need…

Hear my prayer this Monday Advent morning, Lord,
this day and all this week...


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