
Not a resolution, just a good idea!

Might even be helpful to open this up, if needed, in March or June or August or...


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  1. and if it's empty Dec. 31st?????????? Then I guess you were so busy receiving blessings that you didn't have time to write them down. Or
    You forgot because you were so focused on receiving blessings. Or you were too busy giving to others. Or maybe you didn't have a jar.

  2. I'm borrowing this for the jail. We have a book where people record the names of those who have died. For 2013, we'll have a box where people can put in their slips of Good News, then periodically, we'll pull some out and read them at our prayer. Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. So glad to hear that, Shannon - sounds like a great idea! Happy New Year to you.


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and PRAY before you think!