
Palm Sunday worship and catechesis

Here's another message to put in my "Jar of Blessings."  One of our catechists shared this with me with regard to yesterday's Palm Sunday liturgy and her faith formation class which followed right after Mass.  It's such a blessing when worship and catechesis come together so beautifully!
Just saw your post on Holy Week and wanted to share that we had such a GREAT Religious Ed class yesterday with our 4th graders, all about Holy Week. First off, the entire class had attended Mass, so we were all able to talk about the Gospel reading and then we went through the meaning of every day in Holy Week and what their role could be in the day whether they attend church or not. We had "K" (a high school student, one of the voices in the chorus proclaiming the Passion gospel) helping us  and adding a new perspective and the kids all paid attention and participated so enthusiastically. It felt so good - like we were finally getting through to them! Then we did a lesson about the Pope and the whole election process with a neat handout I found online and they asked so many questions. The hour flew by - a rarity sometimes! But anyway, just wanted to share that the spirit of the day that started at Church carried across the street to our little classroom.
Let me take this opportunity to add that faith formation also preceded the proclamation of the Passion by our high school students.  Before we rehearsed this past week, I offered them some catechesis on the ministry of proclaiming the Word, on the liturgical year and on the place of this particular portion of the gospel in the hearts of Christians around the world.

As I stood at the doors of the church after Mass, so many commented on what a blessing it had been for them to see and hear our young people proclaiming the gospel. 


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1 comment:

  1. Sunday's 9:30 Mass was truly a beautiful experience. The participation of our young people in the reading of the Passion made the whole telling of this familiar gospel very fresh and compelling.


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