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Homily for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Scriptures for today's Mass)
Audio for homily
We sang in the psalm:
“Lord, on the day I cried
out for help, you answered me…”
Wouldn’t it be great if it worked that way all the time?
How about if we begin by closing our eyes,
How about if we begin by closing our eyes,
just for a few
asking ourselves a couple questions…
What am I praying for today?
Who am I praying for today?
For what, for whom,
What am I praying for today?
Who am I praying for today?
For what, for whom,
I been knocking on God’s door, day and night,
now this morning,
and praying that the Lord will open up
give me what I ask for
help me find what I seek?
How long have I been knocking on that door,
How long have I been knocking on that door,
for the same things, the same people,
and asking for the same gifts?
Perhaps I’ve been praying for weeks or months or years
Perhaps I’ve been praying for weeks or months or years
or all my life:
the same things,
on behalf of the same people,
for the same help…
What am I praying for today?
Who am I praying for today?
(Open your eyes, please…)
Sometimes people speak to a priest as if he’s God himself.
What am I praying for today?
Who am I praying for today?
(Open your eyes, please…)
Sometimes people speak to a priest as if he’s God himself.
When that happens to me I always say,
- I’m not God! I’m just the local
sales rep.”
Well, this scripture makes it difficult to be the local
sales rep.
Jesus seems to promise us everything here:
Jesus seems to promise us everything here:
we’ll only be persistent, then God will come through for us.
And that’s true.
But the Lord’s public relations department has been clever here
But the Lord’s public relations department has been clever here
how the advertising is worded.
Yes, if I knock, the door will be opened
Yes, if I knock, the door will be opened
I’m not told what I’ll find on the other side).
Yes, if I seek, I will definitely find
Yes, if I seek, I will definitely find
I might find something I didn’t expect or want).
And yes, if I ask, I will receive
And yes, if I ask, I will receive
I’m asking a God who gives --and takes--
mysterious and often confounding ways).
What I find behind the door God opens,
What I find behind the door God opens,
I discover when my search is over,
I receive when my prayer is finally answered
might sometimes seem to be a snake when I asked for a fish
a scorpion when I was looking for an egg.
In fact, we have to read the fine print here to truly understand
In fact, we have to read the fine print here to truly understand
sweeping promises Jesus makes.
In all our seeking and asking
In all our seeking and asking
knock-knock-knocking on heaven’s door
even if no immediate response comes from God, we can be sure
• our prayer brings us always closer to God
• our prayer brings us always closer to God
it’s in and through our deepest needs and
Jesus comes to meet us
• we can be sure that whatever we find when the door finally opens,
• we can be sure that whatever we find when the door finally opens,
will be there to meet it with us
• we can be sure that
• we can be sure that
we discover at the end of our searching
will be there to help us face it
• and we can be sure that
• and we can be sure that
we receive in response to our asking,
will be there to help us accept it.
We can trust this because what Jesus really promises in this gospel
We can trust this because what Jesus really promises in this gospel
not that we’ll always get what we want and pray for
but that God will never abandon us,
never fail to give us his Spirit
help us meet and accept whatever comes our way.
On the night before he died, Jesus prayed:
On the night before he died, Jesus prayed:
prayed to be spared the cup of suffering.
He knocked on his Father’s door,
He knocked on his Father’s door,
deliverance, asking for relief.
And that door opened: to his arrest, his indictment,
And that door opened: to his arrest, his indictment,
suffering, his death – and his
rising from the dead.
His prayer was heard and answered,
His prayer was heard and answered,
the door was opened,
not apart from the Cross.
In the power of the Spirit
In the power of the Spirit
in the mysterious and confounding ways of God,
rose to new life.
And that same life will be given to all of us who seek it.
To us a door will open to life
has no suffering, to life that has no end.
In fact, nothing less than that same life is ours, even today,
In fact, nothing less than that same life is ours, even today,
the Bread and Cup of the Eucharist.
Here at the altar,
Here at the altar,
door to heaven is open to us.
And here we find all that we ultimately seek:
And here we find all that we ultimately seek:
gift of the presence of God,
answer to every prayer.

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