
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 3/6

Come back to me with all your heart...

With all my heart, Lord?
All of it?

Even that part where...
well, you know the part of my heart
where I treasure a resentment or two,
a few old grudges
and maybe a little spite...

You're asking me to let go of these things?
I can't keep them?

Come back to me with all your heart...

I know...
And I understand:
I can't come back to you
if I'm holding on to,
embracing my bitterness...

I need to forgive,
I need to forget,
I need to let go,
I need to learn to love
even those who have hurt me...

I need to purify the part of my heart
where I let the anger brew,
the ill will fester
and the bad blood run...

I need to weed the corner of my heart
where the bramble and the nettle
root so deep and spread so fast...

I can't come back with all my heart
if I've rented out a portion to the weeds:
so help me work this Lent, Lord,
to prune back, to dig out
what has no place within my heart,
what drains my spirit dry and brings no life
to me or those around me...

Come back to me with all your heart...

Prepare the soil of my heart, O God,
for the planting of your Word,
the rains of your Spirit
and the light of your Son
to refresh my soul,
that I might come back to you
with all my heart,
this Lent...


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