
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 7/3

It's the week of the Fourth of July, Lord,
and summer's finally, really here...

Come summer with me, Lord: 

come summer deep down in my soul…

Let the warmth, the rest, the joy, the light of summer days seep deep into my heart and bless me with your presence…

Give me some lazy summer days to restore my faith in joy, in play - in you! Come summer in my heart, Lord, and dwell there as though time would never end: as if all my time were child’s time, eternal time, when school is always out and joy is ever in…

Come summer with me, Lord: 
come summer deep down in my soul… 

Help me put the brakes on this merry-go-round-go-nowhere rush of the life... Help me find a peaceful pace where, finally, I can hear you speaking in my heart… Slow me down and let this season's doldrums lull, calm and call me to a place of prayer, meeting you again - like
old friends reuniting on summer's sunny streets...

Come summer with me, Lord: 
come summer deep down in my soul…

And if I have a chance to get away, Lord, help me pack just what I need and leave all else behind… Help me leave my work at work and leave at home the complicating clutter of my life… Help me keep things just as simple as I can, making room for you and me to be together every day...

Come summer with me, Lord: 
come summer deep down in my soul…

And if I find myself tied down by burdens, cares and worries, then clear a place and make a time each day for me to stop and rest with you, Lord...  Help me find you in the shade that you provide to shield me from my troubles’ noonday sun…

Send the Spirit of your peace to tame and quiet any turmoil in my mind and in my heart… Let me waste no precious summer time, time that’s mine for peace and rest and for refreshing and restoring my body, mind and soul...

Come summer with me, Lord: 
come summer deep down in my soul…


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