Simply Living Lent - Week One
Each Monday morning in Lent you'll find here, for the coming week, a prayer for Morning and Night and reminders for fasting and caring for the poor. You might use this prayer to plan you week or return to it every day...
Each Monday morning in Lent you'll find here, for the coming week, a prayer for Morning and Night and reminders for fasting and caring for the poor. You might use this prayer to plan you week or return to it every day...
Dear God,
Dear God,
Help me discover
what you want to do in my life
this Lent...
I'm often blind to your presence,
deaf to your voice,
too busy to see you right at my
open my eyes to the ways you'll
meet me in these 40 days;
open my ears to the words you'll
speak to me;
and open my heart to how you want
to heal me this Lent...
I know that in Lent you invite me:
to pray, that I might grow closer
to you;
to fast, that I might hunger for
what's truly satisfying;
to care for the poor and deepen my
dependence on you...
Teach me to pray, Lord
- help me make the time.
Keep me faithful to fasting
- nourish me with your Word and
Give me a generous heart
- help me see that I have much
more than I need.
Oh, and I have a special favor to
ask of you, Lord,
and here it is...
And there are some folks I know
who need your help:
you know their names
but let me mention them now...
Lord, in your love and mercy, hear
my prayer…
Another day is done, Lord,
and I’m grateful for your staying
by my side
even when I left your path
and followed my own...
Help me to look back on this day
to see it as you saw it, Lord:
to see it as it could have been,
as it might have been
and as it would have been
had I been more mindful of your
Give me good rest, I pray, and
peaceful dreams...
Send your angel of peace
to shelter my family and friends,
and your children everywhere,
especially the innocent who suffer
hunger and violence...
As I sleep this night, Lord,
fill me with the grace and
strength I'll need
to walk with you along tomorrow’s
•This week,
the particular food or beverage
I'll go without is...
•This week,
the particular activity or
pleasure I'll give up is...
•This week,
the old,
bad habit I’ll try to let go of is...
•This week
I’m donating groceries to the
local food pantry ___
•This week
I’m shopping for the Parish
Easter Giving Tree ___
•This week,
I’m contributing to my
Lenten offering box
or my favorite charity ___
•This week, I'll reach out to those
in need by ___

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