St. Paul was right, Lord,
when he wondered,
"Why do I so easily
the things that I don't want to do
and yet so often fail to do
the very things I want?"
I'm thinking of the good things, Lord,
resting in my heart and mind:
prayer I mean to offer,It's my "To Do" list, Lord:
help I want to give,
faults I should confess,
habits I must change...
work I've left undone,
loose ends left untied,
promises not kept,
peace that's mine to make...
And yet, instead of these, Lord,
I do the things that bring me only grief,
not the happiness I thought I'd find
by going my own way...
In this Lent then, Lord, I pray for grace:
the things that drain my spirit, Lord,
and give me strength to do the things
that fill me with your peace...
by going my own way...
In this Lent then, Lord, I pray for grace:
to come to prayer,Help me leave behind
to lend a helping hand,
to name my faults and failings
and to change what I must change...
the things that drain my spirit, Lord,
and give me strength to do the things
that fill me with your peace...

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